Showing 25-36 of 46 items.

UK Taxation

a simplified guide for students 2023/24

Town and Parish Councils VAT Guide

This Town and Parish Council VAT Guide is an easy reference guide for those engaged in administering the financial affairs of town and parish councils in England and community councils in Wales. It focuses on the typical range of activities that these local authorities will have. It will be of use to town and parish clerks or treasurers and those responsible for the book-keeping of these organisations, as well as those responsible for auditing such bodies. The authors give the reader the basic concepts of the tax and a degree of familiarity with the common technical terms used by H M Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in its own guidance. The most common terms are set out in the glossary.

The UK Tax System

An Introduction

This book provides a guide to the structure of the UK tax system, the interaction between UK and EU law, and its application to various classes of taxpayer, as well as explaining the roles of the government departments who administer it and the full range of taxpayers rights and obligations. The fourth edition has been revised to cover the consequences of leaving the EU for the UK tax system and changes in loss and group relief rules.

Methodological issues in accounting research

Second edition

Editor-in-chief Zahirul Hoque

What is my theory? How do I choose a theory? Why and how should I employ a particular method for collecting the empirical data? This book helps address these questions. The principal aims of this second edition are (1) to update the chapters previously published in 2006 and (2) to introduce new chapters documenting recent developments in accounting research.

Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law

The Equality Act 2010 and other anti-discrimination protections

Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law covers The Equality Act 2010 and other anti-discrimination protections both within the UK legislation and in the context of EU law.

As well as the Equality Act 2010,  other key areas covered include atypical worker protection and family friendly regulation: each of these are discussed  to sufficient detail to enable the reader to gain a working understanding of how each operates.The text takes account of case law from both UK courts, and European Courts where this is needed. This helps show the interaction that UK and EU law has in the area of equality law, and how the systems are interdependent.

Naked, Short and Greedy

Wall Street's Failure to Deliver

Rigged financial markets and hopeless under-regulation on Wall Street are not new problems. In this book, Susanne Trimbath gives a sobering account of naked short selling, the failure to settle, and her efforts over decades, trying to get this fixed. Twenty-five years ago, Trimbath was working “backstage at Wall Street” when a group of corporate trust specialists told her about a problem in shareholder voting rights. When she went to senior management at Depository Trust Company (DTC), then and still the largest securities depository in the world, they brushed it off saying, “You can’t balance the world.” Ten years later, a lawyer from Texas would tell her that the same problem was about to blow up the financial markets: Wall Street brokers are using short sales and fails to deliver to grab the assets of American entrepreneurs. This is a cautionary tale. What started as a regulatory failure turned into a regulatory crisis. Shareholder democracy is in shambles. The institutions that were established to correct a problem of trade settlement failures have instead exacerbated the problem. Global financial markets may not survive what comes next.

To buy or listen to a sample of the audiobook via Audible, click here.

Private International Law of Corporations

This book is about the theory of corporations as subjects of private international law. It aims to show the true extent and depth of legal and jurisdictional problems that states commonly face now, dealing with allocation of cross-border corporate relations and other relations closely connected with them in the appropriate system of law and jurisdiction.

This book is a manual for jurists, practitioners of law and academics, who need research covering specific legal and jurisdictional issues in a corporate sphere and probes the issue of the place of private international law of corporations in national systems of law, when viewed through institutional, scientific, practical, strategic and economic dimensions.

Opera Lives

By Linda Kitchen Illustrated by Nobby Clark


And where in the making of a performance is the identity of the singer themselves?

Linda Kitchen goes behind the scenes with prominent voices who have valuable insight about the world of opera, discussing what it means to be a performer, how they got into the profession and how who they are affects how they perform.

Illustrated with photos of the artists in places that lend meaning to their lives by renowned photographer Nobby Clark.

Visit our Facebook page for more photos and information:

Lessons Not Learned

10 Steps to Stable Financial Markets

Much has been written and spoken about  the lessons learned from the financial crisis of 2009. In this book, we list the lessons not learned before the financial crisis. The purpose of this book is to demonstrate that the theoretical and intellectual frameworks for regulating financial systems that had been available since at least 2001 could have prevented the systemic failure in the United States that led to the collapse of global credit markets in 2008.

The Glorification of Plunder

State, Power and Tax Policy

This book is about two things: tax and power.

This book explores the complex dynamics of the debates which inform tax policy, the interaction between tax and power and how power relations between various groups in society and between individuals and the state are manifested through tax system. This helps to explain why the rules, procedures and practices are all formulated to suit their interests of the most powerful groups in society.  

The Rise and Fall of the Freedman's Savings Bank

And its lasting socio-economic impact on Black America

The author tells the history of the Freedman’s Savings Bank, how it grew much too quickly, why it failed and the impact on Black America. The Freedman’s Bank offered a safe depository for formerly enslaved people, expanded quickly and gained millions in deposits – mostly ranging from $5 to $50. But inexperience and corruption doomed it to failure, costing may of the small depositors their savings.

Childcare Choices and Costs

A practical guide to employment and tax issues

This book is primarily for parents looking for a source of information which compares the different types of childcare available in the UK. It provides information on the financial consequences, commitments and obligations that come with each of the different forms of childcare.