
Bate, Stephen

Stephen practised as a barrister for approximately 30 years in civil and commercial disputes. He left 5RB Chambers in 2017 and now practises full-time as a mediator and arbitrator.

In his barrister work, Stephen acted in many high-profile cases in the media and entertainment sphere, for which he was consistently highly commended in the legal directories. He also  advised and represented clients in a wide variety of other commercial disputes.

Stephen qualified as a mediator in 2003 with CEDR and has now been mediating (in excess of 150 appointments) for 15 years across a wide range of business disputes. He is a member of CEDR Chambers: see his mediation CV at

Stephen has also been a Chartered Arbitrator since 2007 and has since been appointed by courts, appointing bodies and parties in a wide range of domestic and international arbitrations. His arbitration practice is carried on from ArbDB Chambers: see his arbitration CV at He also sits as a legal assessor, advising tribunals on disciplinary law: see at

Stephen has co-authored a number of legal textbooks, namely The Law of Privacy and the Media (OUP) 2015, Satellite Communications in Europe: Law and Regulation (Sweet & Maxwell) 1996 and Video Law (Sweet & Maxwell) 1994.

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Resolving Business Disputes

Brown, Harriet

Harriet Brown is a barrister and Jersey advocate practising from Old Square Tax Chambers. She advises on UK (and Jersey) taxes, particularly with an offshore and international focus, and advises regularly on all forms of international tax information exchange. She appears in Courts and tribunals in the UK and Jersey regularly in relation to tax and trust matters. She is the author of the Jersey Law of Trusts and a co-author of The Interaction of EU Treaty Freedoms and the UK Direct Tax Code.

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A Practitioner's Guide To International Tax Information Exchange Regimes

Butler, Mark

Mark Butler is Lecturer in Law at Lancaster University Law School, where he specialises in labour and employment law.

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Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law

Chesham, Mark

Mark Chesham has specialised in advising businesses in the financial services and insurance sectors for nearly 25 years.  He started with HM Customs and Excise, working in a specialist insurance team, before spending 15 years in two of the 'Big 4' accounting firms.  He set up his own consultancy practice in 2005 and is now Director of Indirect Tax Services at Moore Stephens.  He is a member of the Chartered Insurance Institute and the VAT Practitioners Group.  He can be contacted at

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VAT and Financial Services (fourth edition)

Derbyshire, Wyn

Wyn Derbyshire originally trained as a research chemist, gaining a PhD from the University of Cambridge before qualifying as a lawyer. He has for many years been interested in financial history. He is writing a series of biographies of tycoons for Spiramus Press.

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Six Tycoons

Feetham, Nigel

Nigel Feetham is a partner at Hassans International Law Firm. His area of practice includes insurance, funds and structured finance. He has played a major part in some of the most significant developments in the Gibraltar finance sector.

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Protected Cell Companies

Fleming, Ian

Ian Fleming spent 26 years with Customs before joining the Armstrong Watson Group of Chartered Accountants in 1989. He retired in 2007 but not before setting up his own consultancy business, Indirect Tax Cumbria, in 2006.  He has experience of the full range of customs & excise work, VAT, and the other indirect taxes.   He is a Fellow of the Institute of Indirect Taxation and also a Council Member.  Ian is also a keen golfer and an active member of his local club. He can be contacted by e-mail -

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A Walk Down the Fairway of Value Added Tax