Corporate tax

Showing 1-6 of 6 items.

Tax Due Diligence

This book is a practical guide to the very practical subject of Tax Due Diligence.  It aims to show that tax due diligence is not a commodity by leading the reader through the tax due diligence process and explaining at each stage how to extract the maximum value from tax due diligence.

Employee Reward Structures

Sixth edition

This is a comprehensive guide to the tax treatment of executive reward packages, from recruitment to termination. Includes a comprehensive glossary of terms, checklists and flowcharts.

The sixth edition contains analysis of: the following changes:

  • Taxation of pensions contributions, cap on tax relief for contributions, additional rate relief restriction, alignment of pension input periods, reduction in lifetime allowance, freedom to draw down lump sums
  • Termination payments Significant proposed changes in treatment
  • Employee Benefit Trusts: Important case law developments (Murray Group Holdings)
  • Employee Shareholder Shares: Changes to the relief and proposal to end agreements
  • Employee Share Plans: Streamlining and Self-certification
  • Benefits in kind: Removal of ‘lower-paid employee’ status

Includes complete work on CD-ROM (with cross-references and website resources hyperlinked) with the printed book.

Employment Related Securities and Unlisted Companies

Fourth Edition

Employment-Related Securities and Unlisted Companies is written with mainly private or unlisted companies in mind and explains in depth how the employment related securities (‘ERS’) rules in ITEPA 2003, Part 7 apply to employee share acquisitions generally, including:

  • Securities as earnings
  • Restricted or convertible securities
  • Securities acquired for less than market value
  • Securities disposed of for more than their market value
  • Post-acquisition benefits connected with securities
  • Securities acquired under options

The book also explores employee share acquisitions through various means, the relevant capital gains tax rules and corporation tax relief for employee share acquisitions. Basic share valuation methodology is discussed and though PAYE and NICs do not apply generally to unlisted company shares/securities, they may apply where a market exists for the securities or on the occurrence of events related to ERS. Lastly, the compliance requirements with regard to online registration of schemes, annual returns, penalties etc, are also featured.

UK Taxation

a simplified guide for students 2023/24

The Tax Schedule

A Guide to Warranties and Indemnities (fourth edition)

The Tax Schedule explains the underlying rationale of the key provisions of the tax schedule, and provides updated model long-form and short-form warranties and tax indemnities.

The purpose of the book is to explain and simplify issues for tax advisors involved in transactions of buying and selling companies and business, enabling negotiations between tax advisors to keep sight of the commercial reality of the transaction (a sale by a willing seller to a willing buyer). The purpose of the tax schedule is to determine where responsibilities and risks will lie following the completion of the transaction, as well as to re-examine a number of so-called ‘market practices’.

The Taxation of Permanent Establishments

An International Perspective

This book's principal theme is the taxation of permanent establishments, taking as its starting point the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) model convention on the avoidance of double taxation, and examining how the Indian courts and India's law-makers have interpreted the rules governing attribution of profits.