LAW / Taxation

Showing 1-12 of 17 items.

On the Principles of Gibraltar Taxation

Each chapter of On the Principles of Gibraltar Taxation describes and discusses a single principle which can be discerned in the design and operation of the Gibraltar taxation system.

Town and Parish Councils VAT Guide

Second edition

This Town and Parish Council VAT Guide is an easy reference guide for those engaged in administering the financial affairs of town and parish councils in England and community councils in Wales. It focuses on the typical range of activities that these local authorities will have. It will be of use to town and parish clerks or treasurers and those responsible for the book-keeping of these organisations, as well as those responsible for auditing such bodies. The authors give the reader the basic concepts of the tax and a degree of familiarity with the common technical terms used by H M Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in its own guidance. The most common terms are set out in the glossary.

This second edition includes updated commentary on the VAT treatment election administration, local authority supplies of sports and recreational facilities, and the secondment (supply) of staff.

The Tax Schedule

A Guide to Warranties and Indemnities (fourth edition)

The Tax Schedule explains the underlying rationale of the key provisions of the tax schedule, and provides updated model long-form and short-form warranties and tax indemnities.

The purpose of the book is to explain and simplify issues for tax advisors involved in transactions of buying and selling companies and business, enabling negotiations between tax advisors to keep sight of the commercial reality of the transaction (a sale by a willing seller to a willing buyer). The purpose of the tax schedule is to determine where responsibilities and risks will lie following the completion of the transaction, as well as to re-examine a number of so-called ‘market practices’.

UK Taxation

a simplified guide for students 2023/24

Taxation of Small Businesses 2023/2024

The Taxation of Small Businesses 2023-24 is a practical guide to all aspects of direct taxation of small businesses in one volume. It is ideal for sole practitioners and small partnerships, but will be a handy reference guide for all tax advisers. The book aims to give a clear explanation of the relevant legislation and practical advice on ways of minimising clients’ tax liabilities and warning against common pitfalls.

The sixteenth edition has been updated to incorporate changes as a result of the Finance Act 2023.

Insurance Premium Tax - A user's guide

Insurance Premium Tax is a guide for practitioners and those involved in the insurance industry. It summarises how the IPT is applied in practice, the definition of an insurance contract, looks at exemptions from the tax, the application of the higher rate and issues affecting non UK risks and global policies. It also explores compliance issues such as IPT registration, the submission of returns and payment of the tax, changes in rates and the penalty regime.

Introduction to European Tax Law on Direct Taxation

Seventh edition

This handbook is a concise guide for all those who aim at obtaining a basic knowledge of European tax law. For students, it should also be useful for experienced international tax specialists with little knowledge of European law, European law specialists who need to understand the foundations of European tax law.

Employment Related Securities and Unlisted Companies

Fourth Edition

Employment-Related Securities and Unlisted Companies is written with mainly private or unlisted companies in mind and explains in depth how the employment related securities (‘ERS’) rules in ITEPA 2003, Part 7 apply to employee share acquisitions generally, including:

  • Securities as earnings
  • Restricted or convertible securities
  • Securities acquired for less than market value
  • Securities disposed of for more than their market value
  • Post-acquisition benefits connected with securities
  • Securities acquired under options

The book also explores employee share acquisitions through various means, the relevant capital gains tax rules and corporation tax relief for employee share acquisitions. Basic share valuation methodology is discussed and though PAYE and NICs do not apply generally to unlisted company shares/securities, they may apply where a market exists for the securities or on the occurrence of events related to ERS. Lastly, the compliance requirements with regard to online registration of schemes, annual returns, penalties etc, are also featured.

Implied Trusts and Beneficial Ownership in Modern UK Tax Law

Implied Trusts and Beneficial Ownership in Modern UK Tax Law looks at that gap which lies between books on tax and those on trust law, and tries to bridge the two. How and why is beneficial ownership important in UK tax? This book is ideal for academics and practitioners alike. Those practitioners specialising in trusts should find this book an interesting and useful aid to supplement their knowledge of implied trusts and the relationship between the more-usual express trusts. Whether you are new to the tax profession, or a seasoned professional, there will be something here for everyone.

A Practitioner's Guide To International Tax Information Exchange Regimes


The sixth amendment to the Directive on Administrative Cooperation in the field of taxation (DAC6) and mandatory disclosure regimes (MDRs) in many jurisdictions have led to a large number of professionals potentially being required to disclose information in relation to their clients’ arrangements. The authors analyse the operation of the various automatic exchange of information regimes introduced in the last five years, including the OECD common reporting standards, DAC6 and MDRs, setting them in their historical context. They focus on the guidance offered by the Irish and UK tax authorities with reference to other guidance in Europe and beyond, where appropriate.

The UK Tax System

An Introduction

This book provides a guide to the structure of the UK tax system, the interaction between UK and EU law, and its application to various classes of taxpayer, as well as explaining the roles of the government departments who administer it and the full range of taxpayers rights and obligations. The fourth edition has been revised to cover the consequences of leaving the EU for the UK tax system and changes in loss and group relief rules.

Town and Parish Councils VAT Guide

This Town and Parish Council VAT Guide is an easy reference guide for those engaged in administering the financial affairs of town and parish councils in England and community councils in Wales. It focuses on the typical range of activities that these local authorities will have. It will be of use to town and parish clerks or treasurers and those responsible for the book-keeping of these organisations, as well as those responsible for auditing such bodies. The authors give the reader the basic concepts of the tax and a degree of familiarity with the common technical terms used by H M Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in its own guidance. The most common terms are set out in the glossary.